Blocks examples
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Benefits for professionals
Easy integration
- Thin and round head
- Suitable for compact tubes diameter 37 mm or more (internal diameter)
Easy setting
- Down and up end limits set thanks to the progressive adjusting knob on the motor head
For internal blinds
Benefits for professionals
Easy integration
- Thin and round head
- Suitable for compact tubes diameter 37 mm or more (internal diameter)
Easy setting
- Down and up end limits set thanks to the progressive adjusting knob on the motor head
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benefits for end users
Simple, effortless and comfort
- An accessible motorization to move your blinds or screens
- Move your shades effortlessy
For external blinds
Benefits for professionals
- Fit small diameter tubes (Ø 40, Ø 45)
- Can be adapted with Ø 50 accessories
- Double insulation: Class II
Easy setting
- Down and up end limit set thanks to the progressive. adjustment on the head.
Tool compatibility
- LT setting cable.
- Compatibility with EMS Tool.
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Text Content
Somfy school
For more than 25 years, the Somfy training center develops programs intended for the installation professionals of the solutions intended for the openings of the houses and buildings.
Our objective is to iinsure the development of the skills of those who are brought, in the exercise of their functions, to promote or to install Somfy solutions.
Improvement of the performance, the strategy of development, evolution of markets … Whatever are your reasons, think " management of the skills "
Somfy accompanies you in the elaboration of your training plan.
Useful tools
Solutions at any step of customer journey
SomfyPro: for retail professionals
as well as online services including our customer webshop and training.
Solutions at any step of customer journey
50 ans of innovation
for a better way of living
Wirefree Motors
Somfy takes care of the comfort of your customers
We wish you a happy and a green new year!
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- Local Somfy Brand Ambassador.
- Partner in a successful consumer experience.
- Launcher of innovations on the renovation market.